Cryptographic transform libraries in OpenBSD include Blowfish, Data Encryption Standard ( DES), 3DES, and Cast. OpenBSD中的加密转换库包括Blowfish、数据加密标准(DES)、3DES和Cast。
It also encrypts the message using the RSA Triple-DES data encryption standard, which is a 168 bit encryption technology. They recorded the clear telex straight through their microphones. 它也利用RSATriple-DES数据加密标准对报文加密,此标准是168位的加密技术。他们利用窃听器,把未加密的电报原文录了下来。
A private key encryption-decryption algorithm that uses a key that is twice the length of a Data Encryption Standard ( DES) key. 一种密钥加密-解密算法,其使用一种两倍于数据加密标准(ES)密钥长度的密钥。
A FPGA Implementation of Data Encryption Standard Algorithm 一种数据加密标准算法的FPGA实现
This paper introduces the data encryption standard algorithm briefly, and discusses an IP-CORE design and the FPGA implementation of the algorithm. 该文介绍了数据加密标准算法,讨论了该算法的一种IP核设计及其FPGA实现。
The performance and algorithm of new generation of data encryption standard AES, and the document encryption and the decipher process by using AES were analyzed. 详细分析了新一代数据加密标准AES的性能及算法,以及如何利用AES实现文件的加密与解密过程。
By comparison with Data Encryption Standard ( DES), the concept to design new key generation algorithm of block ciphers was analyzed. 通过与DES比较,分析了新一代分组密码的密钥生成算法的设计思路。
In the system a new method is presented for improving the information transmission security, which integrates the DS1991 ( MultiKey iButton) key technology and simple DES ( Data Encryption Standard) algorithm to encrypt important data. 同时将DES(DataencryptionStandard)加密算法与DS1991(一种智能钮扣)的密钥技术相结合加密重要数据,保证了系统的安全性。
With regard to communication security, the safekeeping of password and real-time processing in speech signal encryption based on triple Data Encryption Standard ( 3DES) were analyzed. In addition, the basic framework of speech encryption and the hardware system design in encryption telephone were presented. 针对通信安全性问题,分析了三重数据加密的密钥保管问题和语音加密的实时处理技术,提出了将算法移植到电话中加密语音信号的系统结构并进行了硬件设计。
Accomplished the design, anti-fake and identifying of the electronic ticket scheme, improved the data encryption standard algorithm, designed S-DES algorithm encrypting and decrypting the electronic ticket barcode information; 完成了电子门票方案设计、防伪和识别,对数据加密标准算法进行改进,设计了S-DES算法对电子门票条形码信息进行加密、解密处理;
In the field of data encryption, Data Encryption Standard ( DES) can not meet the requirements of today's information security because of it's short Key length. 在对称数据加密领域,数据加密标准由于密钥长度的限制,已不能满足当前信息安全的需求。
Application Research of Data Encryption Standard ( DES) in Selling Management DES在销售管理中的应用研究
The paper discusses the development of Web, Browser/ Server mode conception and the content and mechanism of network security based on Web, and also describes the basic conception and system of cipher theory, symmetric-based Data Encryption Standard and Advanced Encryption Standard and asymmetric-based RSA. 本文论述了Web的发展及其Browser/Server模式概念,以及基于Web的网络安全的内容与机制;阐述了密码学的基本概念、分类,对称密钥密码体制DES与AES以及公开密钥密码体制RSA;
Unlinear Design Analysing for S Boxes in the Data Encryption Standard 数据加密标准中S盒非线性设计分析
The American Data Encryption Standard DES was proposed in 1976 and used thru the end of the 20th century. During this time, the DES algorithm and its transmutations dominated the research and development of the block cipher algorithm. 从1976年美国数据加密标准算法DES公布以来,到20世纪末,DES算法或其某种变形基本主宰了对称算法的研究和发展。
This paper first researches the principle of encryption-decryption and the basic algorithm-Data Encryption Standard ( DES). 本文首先研究分析了MPT传输数据加解密原理和加解密过程中使用的基础算法&数据加密标准(DataencryptionStandard,DES)等。
AES ( Advanced Encryption Standard) is the newest standard of National Institute of Standards and Technology ( NIST) for data encryption and is used to replace the DES ( Data Encryption Standard), the encrypt security level of which is reduced day by day. AES(AdvancedEncryptionStandard)加密算法是美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)用于加密电子数据的最新规范,用于取代加密安全性已经日渐降低的DES(DataencryptionStandard)算法。
It uses symmetric and cryptographic algorithms like Data Encryption Standard ( DES), and triples DES to encrypt the payload. ESP利用对称加密算法(如DES,三重DES)加密有效载荷。
In this article, it was adopt symmetric encryption DES ( data encryption standard, DES) algorithm, To achieve higher security, we have developed triple DES algorithm, 3-DES is an upgrading of DES. 在算法的选择上,我们采用对称加密DES算法,为了得到更高的保密性,我们设计了三重DES算法,3-DES是DES的一个更安全的变形。
In some detail, the paper expounds the principle about simple power analysis ( SPA) attacks against the general cryptography and a particular theory against data encryption standard ( DES) algorithm. At the same time, the paper addresses some improvement of SPA. 详细地阐述了对通用密码系统实施简易功耗分析攻击(SPA)的理论基础和对DES算法攻击的特定理论,并提出了对SPA的改进算法。
DES algorithm is a data encryption standard of ANSI, which is used widely in computer network and data communication. In general, the implementation of DES algorithm is suitable for hardware or assembly language. DES算法是一种数据加密标准,在数据通信和计算机网络中应用很广,但大多是用硬件和汇编语言实现,用高级的通用程序实现较复杂且速度不理想。
An Improvement of Using the Data Encryption Standard ( DES) Algorithm 一种对DES算法实现的改进方法
At last because of more and more attention to the security of network and data transfer, we have discussed the Data Encryption Standard, and developed our own data encryption system for the monitoring and control system. 最后基于网络安全性的考虑,我们对数据加密技术进行了探讨,并针对本系统开发了一套加密模块。
But DES ( Data Encryption Standard) algorithm has the advantage of low calculating complexity, high processing speed, but it is difficulty to manage key and realize the digital signature. 而DES(DataencryptionStandard,数据加密标准)具有运算复杂度较低,速度快等优点,但密钥不便管理,难以实现数字签名。
To protect the multimedia data, a mixed encryption algorithm together with two advanced cryptography-DES ( Data Encryption Standard) and Blowfish based on fingerprint watermark is studied. 为了对多媒体数据进行保护,研究了一种基于指纹水印数据的混合加密方案。该加密方案中混合了流行的保密性较高的DES(DataencryptionStandard)算法和Blowfish算法。
Methods of database encryption and its characteristics are firstly discussed. Then the method of encryption algorithm like DES ( Data Encryption Standard)& sub-key database encryption algorithm is introduced in detail; 探讨数据库的加密特点及其加密方法,并详细介绍一种类似DES(数据加密标准)的分组加密算法&子密钥数据库加密算法;
Statistical analysis on S-box of data encryption standard 关于数据加密标准中S-盒的统计分析
At the same time, a recursive DNA sticker-splicing algorithm to break the data encryption standard is proposed. 同时,论文设计了一个破译数据加密标准的递归式DNA粘贴、剪接算法。
National Institute of Standards and Technology announced Advanced Encryption Standard ( AES) as data Encryption Standard, which has certain advantages over original symmetric encipherment algorithm in security, conciseness, cost, and have widespread application prospect. 高级加密标准(AEs)是美国国家标准与技术研究局宣布采用的数据加密标准,在安全性、简洁性、实现成本等方面与原有的对称加密算法相比具有一定的优势,具有广泛的应用前景。
AES stands for Advanced Encryption Standards and is published by NIST ( National Institute of Standards and Technology). The AES algorithm is a symmetric-key block cipher which is to replace the old Data Encryption Standard ( DES). AES是美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)提出的高级加密标准,它是一个对称分组密码算法,用来取代旧的数据加密标准DES,从而成为广泛使用的标准。